White-Lipped Peccary
Tayassu pecari
Creating a stink!
Peccaries are also known as “skunk pigs” because of the stench they give off from the scent gland on their backs. They use this scent to help them identify members of their group, rubbing up against one another’s backs so that everyone smells the same. This also allows them to mark their territory.
- Origin
Central and South America
- Habitat
Dry forests and savannah areas, preferring the dense tropical rainforest
- Diet
White-lipped peccaries eat roots, fruits, grasses, leaves, invertebrates and carrion.
- Status
- Size
1,1 m
- Weight
approx. 22 kg
- Gestation period
158 days
- Achievable age
up to 15 years in the wild, up to 20 years in human care
Threat Categories of IUCN
Did you know that ...
...white-lipped peccaries can weigh up to 40 kg
and the word “peccary” comes from the South American Carib language?