With the international species conservation program Berlin World Wild, young conservationists from around the world are supported, who are dedicated to the long-term protection of endangered species and habitats, as well as environmental education.
I am committed to promoting effective and fair nature conservation that benefits both communities and the environment.
WICO will contribute to creating a community where women are confident and capable of actively participating in nature conservation.
I feel capable of addressing the challenges of conservation in the most threatened jaguar habitats in Brazil (...)
My research is crucial for the management and long-term protection of Gharials in the National Chambal Sanctuary.
Through my work, my perspective on the "human and nature" approach has shifted. The implementation of research findings alongside on-site conservation measures is crucial for long-term species conservation.
Due to the changes I observe in Kenya, a country with great biodiversity, especially the loss of crucial habitats and various species, I am motivated to contribute to conservation efforts.
Following my passion for the clouded leopard, I have embarked on a journey to reintroduce this species to its historical habitat.
Photos: © Shannon Diener