Indian Runner Duck

Anas platyrhynchos domesticus

Gardener's friends

Indian Runners are flightless ducks that originate from Southeast Asia. They are reliable snail-hunters, which makes them a popular pet among garden owners. Their highly developed sense of smell enables them to track down their favourite snacks.


  • Origin

    South East Asia

  • Diet

    Grain mix, slugs

  • Size

    50 to 70 cm (from head to tip of tail)

  • Weight

    1,4 to 2,3 kg

  • Breeding period

    28 to 30 days

  • Achievable age

    12 to 15 years

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Opening hours

Today, 5. October
9:00 - 18:00
Last admission: 17:00
Opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Panda talk 11:00
  • Elephants 11:30
All feedings


Zoo map