California Sea Lion
Zalophus californianus
California sea lions are predators, like all species of seal. Their habitat is not just limited to California, they actually colonise the entire coast from Mexico and, outside the breeding season, even as high up as Alaska, where they live together and hunt.
- Origin
North America, Pacific coast, primarily California to Mexico (Baja California)
- Habitat
preferably sandy beaches and rocky coasts
- Diet
They prefer salmon, octopus and crab; females eat about 5 kg per day, males can eat up to 25 kg during the cold season.
- Status
approx. 355,000
- Size
180 to 250 cm
- Weight
100 to 350 kg
- Gestation period
11 to 12 months
- Achievable age
up to 17 years in the wild, up to 28 years in human care
Threat Categories of IUCN