
Panthera leo

The lion is the second largest predator cat with a body length of around two metres. They live up to their reputation as king of the animals due to their considerable size and mighty hunger – a fully-grown lion devours up to 40 kg of meat per meal.

Lion mothers stick together

A lioness can bear up to six offspring away from the pride and initially suckles them alone. After around 6–8 weeks she returns back to the pride with her litter, where the 'aunts' are already waiting. All the other lion mothers lend a 'paw' in helping the new lion mother out by suckling the little ones and taking care of them so that she doesn't have to fend for herself – a true 'feline nursery'.


Whatsapp for lions

A lion’s roar can be heard up to 8 km. It’s not a battle cry, just a quick warning to stray newcomers to keep their distance. The other members of the pride join in the roar.


  • Origin


  • Habitat

    south of the Sahara; savannah, steppe, semi-desert

  • Diet

    Fresh game please: zebras, antelopes, buffalo and other hoofed animals

  • Status

    23,000 to 39,000 worldwide

  • Size

    1.70 to 1.90 m (shoulder height: 0.80 to 1.10 m)

  • Weight

    Male ca. 225 kg
    Female ca. 150 kg

  • Gestation period

    3.5 to 4 months

  • Achievable age

    over 20 years

Threat Categories of IUCN

Sleepy contemporaries

The mainly nocturnal lions prefer to hunt during the night and spend the majority of the day sleeping in a shady area. Yet this sluggish behaviour does in no way mean that visitors to the zoo will end up with long faces, since the later feedings of the predators will show us some action, eventually revealing the imposing nature of the big cats.

Lions love it sociable

Unlike other cat species, lions lead a sociable life in prides. Around three fully grown dominant males usually live together with up to ten females and their offspring. While the lionesses stay faithful to the herd, dominant males are driven out by their younger rivals after 2–4 years.

Did you know that ...

...lions sleep for up to 20 hours a day,
...they hunt in the twilight and in the dark,
...and only female lions hunt?

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Opening hours

Today, 9. May
9:00 - 18:30
Last admission: 17:00
Opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Panda talk 11:00
  • Chimpanzees 13:30
  • Orangutans/Bonobos 13:30
All feedings


Zoo map