Press area

Here you can access all press reports and selected images for editorial use. Please pay attention to the copyright notice below.

    Fingers crossed for panda offspring

    A crucial few hours at the Panda Garden: Meng Meng enters brief fertile window

    Panda experts arrive in Berlin

    Preparations commence for possible panda breeding at Zoo Berlin

    Zoo Berlin mourns loss of baby gorilla

    Little ape discovered lifeless in its mother’s arms

    A glimmer of hope on World Wildlife Day

    Baby gorilla born at Zoo Berlin

    A bear in danger?

    Michel Abdollahi and Tierpark Berlin join forces to protect the polar bear | Crowdfunding campaign launched for species and climate conservation

    The big headcount

    Berlin’s zoological facilities record a total of 26,684 animals and 5.6 million visitors

    Zoo Berlin bids farewell to its oldest inhabitant

    Ingo the flamingo has died

    Working together for Kyiv Zoo

    Zoo and Tierpark Berlin deliver feed and other items to the war zone

    Birthday celebrations at the Zoo: Tilla turns two

    Zoo Berlin’s little gorilla celebrates her second birthday

    2023: Things are looking up!

    Outlook for Zoo and Tierpark Berlin | Visitor numbers almost back to pre-Covid times

    All I want for Christmas is Zoo: Reopening on 24 December

    Exemption granted | Christmas spirit at Zoo, Aquarium and Tierpark Berlin

    Zoo Berlin joins IUCN

    Together against species extinction: International Conservation Fellowship Announced

    Bird flu update: Zoo Berlin remains closed

    No further positive cases detected so far | Some test results still pending

    Bird flu outbreak at Zoo Berlin

    Waterbird tests positive | Zoo Berlin closed to visitors

    Goodbye, Djasinga!

    Sick orangutan is put to sleep

    Pit and Paule – three going on thirteen!

    Zoo Berlin’s panda twins celebrate another birthday in Berlin

    A shining example: Our award-winning young conservationists

    Environment Minister Steffi Lemke awards Biodiversity Prize in cooperation with Zoo and Tierpark Berlin | €2 million for species conservation

Filming & Photography in Zoo Berlin

Filming and photography for private purposes is allowed. You must stick to the visitor trails.

Photography and filming for editorial purposes must be notified and authorised with the press department.

Commercial shots are not permitted.

All audio, video and/or photographic material released by Zoo Berlin is protected by copyright and may only be used for the purposes of reporting on Zoo Berlin. All other rights are reserved, particularly, but not exclusively, the right to use this material for commercial purposes. Any requests regarding such use must be submitted in writing to Zoo Berlin. The copyright-protected material must be credited as follows: © Zoo Berlin.

Holders of a valid press ID of a German or international journalists association are granted free entry into Zoo Berlin.

Photos for editorial purposes

To image selection

Press contact

Christiane Reiss
Katharina Marie Sperling
Philine Hachmeister
Svenja Eisenbarth

Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG
Hardenbergplatz 8
10787 Berlin


Opening hours

Today, 3. May
9:00 - 18:30
Last admission: 17:00
Opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
All feedings


Zoo map