Press area

Here you can access all press reports and selected images for editorial use. Please pay attention to the copyright notice below.

    Tierpark Berlin opens with hygiene concept

    The safety of the animals remains the top priority.

    Zoo Berlin opens its doors with restrictions

    The safety of the animals is the top priority | A concept for reopening Tierpark Berlin is being developed

    The cutest toddlers in the capital

    Panda twins Leni and Lotti explore their "playroom" at Zoo Berlin

    [Translate to English:] Panda-Taufe

    Naming Ceremony of Panda Twins at Zoo Berlin

    A Dream Come True for Berlin: Panda Twins Leni and Lotti Make Their First Joint Appearance

    [Translate to English:] Flachland-Gorilla Ivo aus dem Berliner Zoo  ist zeugungsunfähig

    No Baby Boom for Gorilla Ivo

    Medical examination confirmed – Ivo is impotent

    Black Rhinoceros from Zoo Berlin is the Ambassador for Endangered Species

    Federal Minister Dr. Hendricks sponsors Hodari

    [Translate to English:] Raubtierschädel bei einer Führung im Zoo Berlin

    Roaringly Good Fun During the Holidays at Zoo Berlin

    Zoo and Aquarium Berlin once again have an exciting programme for all school children during this year's summer holiday. Keen architects, big explorers and resourceful…

    [Translate to English:] Eisbärdame Tosca im Zoo Berlin

    Old Polar Bear Dame Tosca is Freed From Her Suffering

    The Ethics Commission has reached a decision

    [Translate to English:] Spitzmaulnashorn Akili als Baby

    Bye Bye, Akili - Black Rhinoceros Akili Moves to Japan

    Akili is not even three years of age, yet the "light" heavyweight is already making strides across the globe: The female black rhinoceros moved from Berlin to Tokyo on…

    Zoo, Aquarium and Tierpark Berlin are Now Online with New Websites

    The new websites of Zoo, Aquarium and Tierpark Berlin have been online now since 14 April 2015. Zoo Berlin AG worked meticulously on its website with an internet and SEO…

    The Grand Dame of the Zoo turns 58!

    Gorilla Dame Fatou celebrates her birthday.

    New Record!

    Zoo, Aquarium and Tierpark Berlin welcomed more than 4.4 million visitors in 2014.

    Goodbye Rieke!

    Rieke the orangutan baby traveled to England on 23 February 2015.

Notice for Journalists:

Complimentary press tickets are only issued on weekdays (Monday to Friday). Free admission is not available on weekends or public holidays. Exceptions require approval. Please contact for further inquiries.

Filming & Photography in Zoo Berlin

Filming and photography for private purposes is allowed. You must stick to the visitor trails.

Photography and filming for editorial purposes must be notified and authorised with the press department.

Commercial shots are not permitted.

All audio, video and/or photographic material released by Zoo Berlin is protected by copyright and may only be used for the purposes of reporting on Zoo Berlin. All other rights are reserved, particularly, but not exclusively, the right to use this material for commercial purposes. Any requests regarding such use must be submitted in writing to Zoo Berlin. The copyright-protected material must be credited as follows: © Zoo Berlin.

Holders of a valid press ID of a German or international journalists association are granted free entry into Zoo Berlin.

Photos for editorial purposes

To image selection

Press contact

Christiane Reiss
Hanja Runge
Philine Hachmeister
Svenja Eisenbarth

Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG
Hardenbergplatz 8
10787 Berlin


Opening hours

Today, 19. February
9:00 - 16:30
Last admission: 15:30
Opening hours

Feedings & Trainings

  • Our animals are full up. No more feeding sessions today.
All feedings


Zoo map